Recruiting for the new wave of technology...
Delivering efficient recruiting services by providing top tier talent to growing technology companies, all of which is based on long term relationships and thorough industry knowledge
Collaborating with attractive companies and executing recruiting initiatives which result in the successful development of Sales & Marketing teams. As well as providing an enjoyable experience for all the parties involved
Partnering with an array of hi tech companies ranging from VC-backed start ups to the Fortune 1000. We customize our search to fit the clients' hiring needs, as well as treat all candidates with the utmost professionalism and diligence they deserve to find the ideal role

Recruiting for the new wave of technology... Our sole purpose at Sunset Search is to provide top tier candidates in a timely manner.
We have a track record of success and the know how in order to make the best professional connections
I would recommend Sunset Search to anyone that is looking for a recruiting firm that actually cares about the position that they are being placed. With Sunset Search, I was brought opportunities rather than jobs. Every position that I was presented was tailored to me specifically based on my requirements, experience and goals.
Kent Venook, Director of Business Development Apttus